Saturday 14 May 2011

Cleah: The Lost Fury Chronicles - The Otherworld by Brenda McCreight - Book Review

Title: Cleah: The Lost Fury Chronicles - The Otherworld
Author: Brenda McCreight

Publisher: Self-Published via Smashwords
Publication Date:  September 2010
Format: Ebook -EPUB
Pages: 140
Genre: YA Fantasy
Source: Review Copy from Author

Long ago, in ancient Eire, lived a young orphaned slave named Cleah. Her life is shattered when raiders destroy her home and she is forced to find safety in the Otherworld, where fairies, trolls and dangers await. Cleah soon realizes that in order to survive and return to her own World, she must first learn to fight and to love; and, she must uncover the tangled truth of her origins. (Goodreads Synopsis)

I was sent a review copy of this book by the author and was not sure what to expect from it. As it happens, I found it to be a well woven and enjoyable tale, suitable for both teens and adults.

The story itself is well thought-out and perfectly paced, with plenty of action to keep momentum as well as more contemplative scenes. I liked the blending of Irish mythology with the world that McCreight has created.

Cleah is an instantly likeable heroine with an intriguing past, and both she and Rohan are well-rounded and believable characters that really help to draw the reader into the story. The connection between them was developed at just the right pace and the ending is left open enough to allow the tale to continue in a future book.

This was a great story that had me eager to turn the page and find out what would happen next. I hope that Cleah’s adventures will continue in a future book as she is a wonderful character and I feel there is still more to be discovered about her. Highly recommended for YA fans.


  1. Thanks for the follow! I am only too happy to return the favor!!!

  2. Greetings!

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