Friday 16 December 2011

Follow Friday # 31

When you've read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)

Well, books that I own (either through purchase, gifts or giveaway wins) I keep and my current total is 1051 books. Any non-expiring e-books I keep on my Kobo too; although, I do of course delete NetGalley and Simon and Schuster ones after reading if they are going to expire eventually.
Occasionally I borrow books from a friend or from a library and then return them, but that is rare as the library near me is not great and I prefer to just buy what I want or try to win copies in giveaways.
I will sometimes lend my books, but only to my more trusted friends and family members as I want them to come back in the same condition and in a reasonable time frame.

On a separate note: Given the upcoming demise of GFC, I am looking for a new way to follow people and have them follow me. I am leaving GFC up on my blog for now, so please do still follow me via that if you wish, but I am also currently going through every blog on my blog roll, seeing if they are on Goodreads and sending them a friend request there if they are.  I get so many emails already that I don't want to subscribe to people that way, so Goodreads will be the best way for me to still keep in touch with you all. I am going through the blog roll alphabetically and am currently up to the 'T's, but if I have missed you or if you want to pre-empt me, feel free to send me a friend request at My Goodreads Page. Thanks everyone!


  1. Great answer. I barely get books from the library too. I Followed through GFC and Goodreads. =]
    Here is My FF

  2. I keep all my books and I'm also very fussy with my books I don't lend out my books at all after some bad experiences of books being returned in terrible condition without even an apology, new follower, here's mine

  3. 1051 books! Wow, I haven't stopped to count mine, but I think you win!

    Here is my Follow Friday post

    Old follower =)

  4. That's a lot of books, have a good week-end.

  5. I liked your answer! I hate borrowing books from friends, maybe because I don't like lending them mysefl!
    Here is mine-
    "Follow Friday"

  6. I like most of my books and really like to keep all of them! :) Thank you for the great answer!! ^_^

    New follower! YAY!! :)

    Books For All Seasons

  7. Yeah, you sound just like me! I'm always worried about ruining the quality of my books and, like you, I keep practically every book I've ever received. My book count is probably only 200 or so, but that's way too many already!

  8. Wow that's a lot of books! O_o I'm impressed.
    As for ways to follow, check out my post if that's any use to you: :) Mission to Read did a fairly good one as well.

  9. Hi! New follower! You got a bunch of books. Lol. I don't have that many yet. One day.. Thanks for stopping by the blog!:)

  10. Thank you so much for commenting and following!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! That is most certainly a lot of books. New follower!

