Saturday 28 January 2017

Feature and Follow Friday & Book Blogger Hop
Time for Feature and Follow Friday.
Click on the link to head to Alison's blog and view all the other participants.

What are some tips that help you with blogging?

Organisation is the key. I like to schedule posts and social media in advance so that I don't have to panic day-to-day. That way, I know that my posts will go out, even if something unexpected comes up. Now that I use a bullet journal, it's even easier to keep track of everything!
And here's this week's Book Blogger Hop.
Click on the image to see the original post and all the links. 

How many books have you started, but just couldn't finish?

This is very rare for me; I always try to finish. The only one I can think of, where I did give up partway through, was Tristram Shandy.


  1. I don't like to stop reading a book, but if it isn't of interest, I don't continue any more.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. I can understand your reasoning. After all, there are only so many hours in a day and a huge stack of books to read!

  2. I'm with you - I rarely put down a book. I can only think of a handful.

    The scheduling features are wonderful - I write a lot of my posts on the weekends and edit to linkup on the day of. It definitely allows time to have a more thoughtful post!

    1. Agreed, Rhea. It certainly takes the pressure off. I have set featured posts (such as my writing and edit tips) already written and scheduled through to the end of the year. That way I know those are in place and it's more reviews, hops, and one-off posts that I set up as I go.

  3. I used to finish everything I started, but I just can't do it anymore. I think I've become a more picky reader.

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Blogger Hop Answer

    1. I've become picky at the selection stage. I'll only accept review requests for books I am certain (80%+) I'll like. That's why I rarely DFN titles. :)

  4. If I don't like a book then I won't finish it. There are too many out there to spend my time on something I don't like. I tried reading Tristram Shandy years ago and gave up after the first few pages.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one with Tristram Shandy issues! :)

  5. I should really start writing my posts up in advance and scheduling them! I am really bad at waiting till the last minute. I am still new at all this so that was great advice to see :) Thanks!

    I hate not finishing a book! I always try and push all the way through but there have been a few I just couldn't. I honestly can't think of the name of them right now though.
    -Amanda @ Hearts Reading

    1. I didn't always schedule so much in advance, but I'm so busy these days, it's become a necessity if I want to keep on top of everything. It all depends on your posting schedule and RL activities. Do what works best for you! :)

  6. I always DNF like three books every year but I don't remember all of them, because I read so many books. And I don't review them on my blog but the only one that I remember that I just couldn't finished, because of the dialogue was the book All The Rage by Courtney Summers. I just couldn't get into the book and I really didn't connect with the characters at all. Thank you for stopping by my blog Nicki.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story, Katiria! Happy Hopping!
