Saturday 21 January 2017

#RainbowSnippets - 21 January 2017 - From 'It's a Dog's Life' (MM Flash Fiction)

Time for more Rainbow Snippets.

For today's snippet, I thought I'd share a few lines from a flash fiction tale (or tail! :) ) called It's a Dog's Life, which I wrote for Lex Chase's blog last year.
Peter loves Jake and hopes to woo him at a fancy dress party. However, nothing goes entirely to plan.
“Peter. You look.... Come in.”
When he stepped into the room, he understood. Indeed, he was surprised he hadn’t cottoned on when Christie came to the door wearing a sequinned black number. No one else was in costume.
He felt eyes upon him and leant in to hiss into Christie’s ear. “What the hell, Christie? You told me this was a sodding fancy dress party!”
If you enjoyed this little snippet, you can read the whole story for free on Tablo!


  1. I'm really curious what he's wearing! :)

  2. Did someone confuse fancy dress with black tie or was someone being mean?

  3. Oh no! Haha. I wonder what his costume is?

  4. I think someone may have needed to be more specific as to what "fancy dress" means. And I'm another who wants to know what he's wearing!

  5. Looks like they didn't quite define "fancy dress" the same way, LOL.

  6. Thanks for the comments, one and all. As I said, it is up as a free read and is only flash fiction-length, so to find out more about his costume you need only click through to my Tablo page to enjoy the rest! :)

  7. Oh dear! I'm going to have to read the rest of this now and find out what happened!

    1. Luckily it's only a flash fiction, so it's a quickie! :)

  8. This is one of my nightmares, lol.

    1. Fingers crossed it never happens to you then, Debbie. Although, it works out okay for our hero in the end! :)
