Saturday 31 August 2024

TV Review: Partners for Justice (2018-2019) (crime drama)

Partners for Justice (검법남녀)
32 episodes
Crime Drama

To pin down criminals and solve cases, a grouchy but brilliant forensic doctor opens up his world to a bright-eyed rookie prosecutor. (Synopsis)

Partners for Justice was a series that improved as it went on. I enjoyed the first season as we established the characters and their backgrounds; however, I felt it was at its strongest in season two with the Doctor K storyline. Doctor K was an interesting character and it felt good to have a complex overarching plot point in contrast with the more episodic style of season one. Overall, it was a drama that flowed well, with plenty of drama and emotion, making it entertaining viewing. If you like crime drama with a psychological bent, it is worth checking out. I am giving it 4.5 stars.

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