
Reviews & Policies


I do accept some review requests. However, due to time restraints, I cannot say yes to everyone and will give preference to those books that most appeal to me in my favoured genres. (Check out my Goodreads page to see what I'm reading/have read.)

If you wish to request a review, please email me with details of the book, including blurb, publication date, page/word count, and any deadlines if you need it reviewed within a certain time frame.

Please do not send unsolicited eBook copies; I will contact you if I agree to review.

Contact Email: nickijmarkus AT y7mail DOT com

Privacy Policy

  • Nicki J. Markus/Asta Idonea is an author and book reviewer.
  • Nicki may collect your data, upon your consent, to send you marketing updates.
  • Your data will never be sold to third parties.
  • Your data will be stored electronically on the data processor of choice (currently SendPulse).
  • Your email will be used to get in touch with you in regards to project updates and new releases.
  • You can unsubscribe from this list at any moment by hitting the Unsubscribe button on the emails you receive, or you can email nickijmarkus AT y7mail DOT com to request removal.
  • Any data collected on this blog with regards to visitor stats and comments are held by Blogger under their privacy terms and conditions and are not stored elsewhere by Nicki.
  • Data collected during giveaways hosted personally by Nicki on this blog are not used for any purpose except the giveaway and are not stored by Nicki outside of Rafflecopter once the giveaway ends. For giveaways hosted by other authors and publishers, as part of book tours and blitzes, please see their individual terms and conditions on the giveaway forms.


I receive some of the books I review as free ARCs from publishers and/or authors. Please see each individual review for the source. Regardless of whether I buy a book or receive a complimentary copy, my reviews always express my personal and honest opinions.

All images posted on this site of book covers or film/tv/theatre posters are only included for the purposes of reviewing (and promoting in the case of ARCs, under request from the publisher of said works). All rights remain with the content creators.