Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day-Walker - The Long Wait

It's one of those funny days today with no clouds. Nothing but a brilliant blue sky. It still unnerves me a bit. In England you always have some clouds - even if they are few and far between. But here in Australia, nothing but a blue expanse. Still, it lifts the mood - blue sky and sun. I am hoping it is a good omen.

Certainly today seems to be going well. I completely revamped my website (check it out) and in a few hours I will see an advanced screening of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest at the cinema.

Also today, I sent off my finished manuscript for my new vampire story - Day-Walker. I am trying Silver Publishing this time. Wicked Nights have been great to me - they gave me my first break and I will have 6 pieces published with them by June. But I feel it is time to look at branching out and Silver seem to be a good choice.

The manuscript has been emailed through and now I am stuck with the nervous wait until I hear from them. I am crossing fingers, legs and every other bendable limb in the hope they will like the story. It says up to an 8 week wait on the website, but my friend, Julie, is published with them and says she thinks I'll hear sooner than that. I hope so....or I am liable to be a wreck by the end of April!

I feel really good about this piece, so I hope that feeling turns out to be justified. Today I am having a day-off the writing, but with my baby sent off, it is time to give birth to the next idea and I will start writing something new tomorrow!

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