Monday 13 June 2011

My Very First Blog Award!

I am thrilled to have received my very first blog award today, courtesy of fellow author and blogger, Gabrielle Bisset.

The rules of this award are:
1. You link to the person who sent it to you.
     Thank you Gabrielle Bisset!   
2.  List seven random facts about yourself.

  • I am getting married this year
  • I am nearly always complaining I feel cold, unless I am complaining I am too hot
  • I love to sleep and wish I had more time to laze in bed
  • Malicious ghosts and zombies scare me but I adore vampires
  • I hate pubs and clubs and always prefer a nice restaurant or a night in
  • I am a comfort girl and will choose jeans and trainers over strappy dress and heels whenever possible
  • I hate the idea of growing old (probably why I like the idea of vampires so much!)

3. Pass the award on to 10 other awesome blog buddies.  Please take some time to visit these fantastic bloggers. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You have been awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award. Please go to my blog, Outaw’s pRose @ to pick up your award and pass it on!
