Friday 30 December 2011

Follow Friday # 32

Q: The New Year is here -- and everyone wants to know your New Year's Blogging Resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp and redo for 2012 on your blog?

Well, I am hoping to get some more author interviews and guest posts going in the New Year. I'd love to have a more varied content for you all with a mix of reviews, memes and author content. Will be doing one or two giveaways in the next few months too....

I also need to look at new ways to promote my own books and blogging may be a big part of that. So, if any of you would have me over to your blog for an author interview/guest post, don't be shy and drop me a line! ;) (nickijmarkus AT y7mail DOT com)


  1. Great answer! Here's mine-"Follow Friday Post"

    Old follower!

  2. Hopping through. I would like to have more author interviews and guest posts too. It takes energy to set up thought. What do you think of Rift Walker thus far?
    My Hop

  3. Great resolutions! :) Old follower hopping through!

    Nerd Girls at Books to the Sky

  4. Agree about more author interviews and guest posts. I'm planning to have some authors stop by my blog next year. :)

    Good luck!

    Pam | jellylovesbooks

  5. Good luck with your resolutions! I'm a new follower here. :)

    My FF

  6. New follower hopping through.

    Here's our #FF post

    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library

  7. Just blogging by, have a happy New Year!

  8. Ooh, I'd hope to get some author interviews here and there too. :) Happy new years!
