Wednesday 1 August 2012

(18+) Beauty's Punishment & Beauty's Release by A. N. Roquelaure - Book Reviews

Title: Beauty's Punishment (Sleeping Beauty # 2)
Author: A. N. Roquelaure
Publisher: Plume
Publication Date: 2012 (1984)
Pages: 256
Format: E-Book -PDF
Genre: Erotica
Source: ARC via NetGalley

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This sequel to The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, the first of Anne Rice's elegantly written volumes of erotica, continues her explicit, teasing exploration of the psychology of human desire. Now Beauty, having indulged in a secret and forbidden infatuation with the rebellious slave Prince Tristan, is sent away from the Satyricon-like world of the Castle. Sold at auction, she will soon experience the tantalizing punishments of "the village", as her education in love, cruelty, dominance, submission, and tenderness is turned over to the brazenly handsome Captain of the Guard. And once again Rice's fabulous tale of pleasure and pain dares to explore the most primal and well-hidden desires of the human heart.

Title: Beauty's Release (Sleeping Beauty # 3)
Author: A. N. Roquelaure
Publisher: Plume
Publication Date: 2012 (1985)
Pages: 256
Format: E-Book - PDF
Genre: Erotica
Source: ARC via NetGalley
Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide
This most explicit, erotic series reaches its culmination as The Erotic Adventures of Sleeping Beauty come to an unforgettable close.

I decided to review these two books together since I felt I didn't have enough to say about them individually.
I read The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty about six years ago. I am not really a big erotica reader, but I was interested to read some of Anne Rice's earlier work and I found the first book in the Sleeping Beauty series an interesting take on the tale.

When I saw books two and three on NetGalley, I thought it would be good to finish reading the series, but in the end I felt a bit let down. For me, there just wasn't enough 'new' in the books: simply more gratuitous sex. That's okay if you like that kind of thing, but I found it a little repetitive. Book two was okay, but by book three, I felt I'd 'seen it all before' and ended up skimming a lot more to get to the end.

Erotica fans who want to the sex scenes and little else will find something to love in these books as they are more artfully done than some other erotica that has found a huge following. But those looking for more than just sex, sex, sex in their books would do well to leave these be.

Overall, I'd rate this series three stars. Individually, I give three stars to book two and two stars to book three.

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