Friday 15 February 2013

Follow Friday # 55

Write a letter to your favorite character. Rant, rave or gush…just pretend like they are real and you just want to let them know a “few things”. – Activity courtesy of author, Kelly Walker

Dear Gareth

I know Adele is a princess and the joining of royal dynasties is always a buzz and pleases the family....

But, if you ever get bored of spoilt rich kids and want to get to know the common mortals, you can knock on my door any time. My blood is always pumping and waiting should you need refreshment.



NB. How many of you know which book series I am referring to? 


  1. Sorry, can't pick this one but I'm guessing Gareth is a vampire.

    New Follower :)

    My FF @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. I have no idea, but I'm itching to Google it to find out! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog earlier. ♥♥♥

    Raina @ The LUV'NV — one of this week's feature blogs.
    (New follower via GFC and Twitter)

  3. I have no idea who this is ahahhaha but thanks for sharing

    new follower

  4. Hey, what book is this? It sound really interesting, and I think I might want to read it :D Thanks for sharing :D

    Follow & Feature
    The Boys of Summer Giveaway

    1. It is the Vampire Empire trilogy by Clay and Susan Griffith. I can highly recommend them!

  5. Great letter. love it! NEW FOLLOWER Check out My F&F ~ Katie @ Inkk

  6. Love the letter, I'd give myself to a hot vampire any day :')

    New Follower via GFC

    I wrote to Kaiden Rowe @ Annoushka Reads

  7. Well, I couldn't guess but saw the answer as I scrolled through the comments. :) I'll have to check out this series...I do love vampires! ;)

    New GFC Follower - Bookworm Brandee - Happy Reading!
