Sunday 4 August 2013

Book Review: Fear Week by Andrew McBurnie

Title: Fear Week
Author: Andrew McBurnie
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: September 2012
Pages: 227
Format: E-Book - EPUB
Source: Review Copy from Author

Adrian Thorby is about to experience a week of embarrassing and comic incidents. But he's scared. It's 1962, the week of the Cuban missile crisis, and the world is threatened by nuclear war. He's a science-fiction fan who fears he will never live to see a futuristic world of high-technology, including space travel and robots, and will never have a girlfriend. He knows he has been born into a shoddy and primitive world.

Adrian lives in Hull, a north-eastern English city still half-flattened by WW2 bombing. He assumes that with his country’s experience of intense bombing during the last war, there will be a swift introduction of emergency preparedness measures. But everyone continues with their lives as normal. Nobody prepares; Adrian begins to think the grownups must all be mad.

He is also secretly in love with a girl from another school, is troubled by sexual thoughts, and through some awkward moments begins to wonder if he really has the brains to participate in a technological future. The seven days of “Fear Week” narrate his exploits, blunders and embarrassments during the nuclear crisis, and his yearnings for the girl of his dreams.
(Goodreads Synopsis)

Fear Week is an enjoyable read that for me really captured a moment in time in the lead character's life. Adrian's 'voice' feels very natural and realistic and avoids most pitfalls that creep in when an adult writes a teenage protagonist. This is a piece about character rather than plot and as such it works very well.

The prose flows nicely throughout the book and the dialogue is believable and well considered.

This book is well worth a read.


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