Author: Jack Kerouac
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: (1957)
Pages: 265
Format: E-Book - EPUB
Genre: Fiction
Source: Bought Copy

A quintessential novel of America & the Beat Generation On the Road chronicles Jack Kerouac's years traveling the N. American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, "a sideburned hero of the snowy West." As "Sal Paradise" & "Dean Moriarty," the two roam the country in a quest for self-knowledge & experience. Kerouac's love of America, compassion for humanity & sense of language as jazz combine to make On the Road an inspirational work of lasting importance. This classic novel of freedom & longing defined what it meant to be "Beat" & has inspired every generation since its initial publication. (Goodreads Synopsis)
On the Road is one of those books I have long thought I should read, but I just didn't get to it until now. Overall, I found it very enjoyable. Kerouac writes with a wonderful energy and immediacy that really creates a sense of excitement and fast-paced action, even when the scene is more static.
Many people say this book had a huge effect on them. For me, not so much. But I think maybe I read it about ten years too late for that. If I'd read this in my early-mid twenties when I went off travelling myself, perhaps I would have made a more personal connection to the story.
Regardless, I am very glad I finally read it and I can recommend it, particularly to those in their late teens and early twenties.
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