Author: Victoria Aveyard
Publisher: Hachette Australia
Publication Date: 10 February 2015
Pages: 391
Format: E-Book - PDF
Genre: Fiction /YA
Source: ARC via NetGalley

Mare Barrow's world is divided by blood--those with common, Red blood serve the Silver- blooded elite, who are gifted with superhuman abilities. Mare is a Red, scraping by as a thief in a poor, rural village, until a twist of fate throws her in front of the Silver court. Before the king, princes, and all the nobles, she discovers she has an ability of her own.
To cover up this impossibility, the king forces her to play the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons. As Mare is drawn further into the Silver world, she risks everything and uses her new position to help the Scarlet Guard--a growing Red rebellion--even as her heart tugs her in an impossible direction. One wrong move can lead to her death, but in the dangerous game she plays, the only certainty is betrayal. (Goodreads Synopsis)
It's been a while since I last read any YA and the Red Queen was the perfect one with which to return to the genre. I enjoyed the tale from start to finish. I thought I guessed the twist early, only to change my mind, and was then surprised to discover I had been correct after all. The storyline is captivating, the characters well-drawn and memorable and I particularly liked the interaction between the two brothers and Mare. The relationship between the brothers actually reminded me of Loki and Thor in the first Thor movie, so if you liked that dynamic, you will doubtless like this one too. This is certainly a series I would very much like to continue reading. I am intrigued to see what will happen next.
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