Wednesday 11 March 2015

Book Review: Krabat by Otfried Preussler

Title: Krabat
Author: Otfried Preussler
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag  
Publication Date: 2008 (1971)
Pages: 350
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fantasy / YA
Source: Xmas Gift

»Komm nach Schwarzkollm in die Mühle, es wird nicht zu deinem Schaden sein!« Immer wieder hört Krabat, der vierzehnjährige Waisenjunge, im Traum diese Worte - und neugierig macht er sich auf den Weg. Es scheint ein großes Geheimnis um diese Mühle im Koselbruch zu geben, und Geheimnisvolles geschieht auch, sobald Krabat dort eintrifft, um sich als Lehrling zu verdingen ... (Goodreads Synopsis)

I read Krabat in the original German, which is why it took me a few weeks to get through it. Krabat is a young beggar boy whose dreams lead him to become a student at a mysterious mill. He soon learns the mill is actually a school of black magic, but there are deadly things taking place behind the scenes and he must use his wits and new magical skills to save his life.

This was a very enjoyable and engaging story and my interest was held from start to finish. There are translations available, and I would recommend this book to fans of fairy tales and those who enjoy middle-grade level stories of magic and fantasy.

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