Author: Clay & Susan Griffith
Publisher: Del Rey
Publication Date: 2 June 2015
Pages: 320
Format: Paperback
Genre: Paranormal /UF / Steampunk
Source: Bought Copy

As fog descends, obscuring the gas lamps of Victorian London, werewolves prowl the shadows of back alleys. But they have infiltrated the inner circles of upper-crust society as well. Only a handful of specially gifted practitioners are equipped to battle the beasts. Among them are the roguish Simon Archer, who conceals his powers as a spell-casting scribe behind the smooth veneer of a dashing playboy; his layabout mentor, Nick Barker, who prefers a good pub to thrilling heroics; and the self-possessed alchemist Kate Anstruther, who is equally at home in a ballroom as she is on a battlefield.
After a lycanthrope targets Kate’s vulnerable younger sister, the three join forces with fierce Scottish monster-hunter Malcolm MacFarlane—but quickly discover they’re dealing with a threat far greater than anything they ever imagined. (Goodreads Synopsis)
The Shadow Revolution is the first book in a new trilogy from Clay & Susan Griffith. Having loved their Vampire Empire, I was eager to commence reading this new story, and it didn't disappoint. The characters are well-drawn and caught my interest right away, the story has enough originality to help it stand apart from the mass of paranormal literature out there, and the action was fast-paced and entertaining from start to finish. Overall, I didn't fall as completely in love with it as I did Vampire Empire, but it was still a marvellous read and I look forward to getting hold of the remaining two books in the coming weeks to see how this tale will progress.
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