Author: Clay & Susan Griffith
Publisher: Pyr
Publication Date: November 2015
Pages: 328
Format: Paperback
Genre: Paranormal / Steampunk
Source: Bought Copy

The uneasy stalemate between vampires and humans is over. Adele and Gareth are bringing order to a free Britain, but bloody murders in London raise the specter that Adele's geomancy is failing and the vampires might return. A new power could tilt the balance back to the vampire clans. A deranged human called the Witchfinder has surfaced on the Continent, serving new vampire lords. This geomancer has found a way to make vampires immune to geomancy and intends to give his masters the ability to kill humans on a massive scale.
The apocalyptic event in Edinburgh weakened Adele's geomantic abilities. If the Witchfinder can use geomancy against humanity, she may not have the power to stop him. If she can't, there is nowhere beyond his reach and no one he cannot kill.
From a Britain struggling to rebuild to the vampire capital of Paris, from the heart of the Equatorian Empire to a vampire monastery in far-away Tibet, old friends and past enemies return. Unexpected allies and terrible new villains arise. Adele and Gareth fight side-by-side as always, but they can never be the same if they hope to survive. (Goodreads Synopsis)
In general, I don't like it when trilogies get blown out into more books. However, when I heard The Geomancer was coming, I was thrilled. The first three books were awesome, and I am pleased to say that this fourth one more than lives up to that legacy. Sometimes additional books are weaker, but in The Geomancer, the plot was just as strong as in the previous instalments. I was drawn in from page one and my attention was so completely captured, I read the whole thing in two sittings.
I felt the continuation of the story in The Geomancer worked really well. It picked up neatly from the end of the last book and didn't have any sense of 'filler'. It was great to see favourite characters back, and also to meet new ones. I am just as in love with Gareth as I was in the earlier books, and now I am fervently hoping that a fifth book will be forthcoming. The ending of this one certainly left the possibility for more. All up this was a marvellous read and I highly recommend the whole series.
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