Saturday 3 September 2016

Rainbow Snippet: 3 September 2016 - From 'Stand and Deliver'

Saturday's here again! Time for more Rainbow Snippets.

Today I thought I'd share something from my latest release: an MM historical short story called Stand and Deliver, which released on 1 September in Wayward Ink Publishing's Age Is Just A Number anthology.

In this scene, Captain Keen glimpses the Marquis de Beaumont for the first time, while in the process of robbing his carriage.

He did not know the gentleman. But he wished he did, for he was one of the most well-favored men Keen had ever seen. Though younger than the duke, he was clearly past his fortieth year; yet, unlike so many of his rank, he retained the slim figure of his youth.
The duke huffed. “Sir,”—his tone made it clear how little he believed Keen deserved the appellation—“if you intend to rob us, would you please do so and then let us pass? We are in some haste to return home.”

Age is Just a Number 
Wayward Ink Publishing
1 September 2016

Audio Excerpt

Wayward Ink Publishing / ARe
Amazon US / Amazon UK

Featuring 'Stand and Deliver' by Asta Idonea
Necessity has forced former soldier Captain Keen to assume the occupation of gentleman highwayman. His fortunes take a turn, however, the night he stops the Marquis de Beaumont's coach and gets more than he bargained for when he utters the words "Stand and deliver!"