Saturday 25 March 2017

Author Interview3 - Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese

Today, for Author Interview³, I welcome Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese to the blog to share their work.

Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese Author Interview³
1) Tell us 3 fun facts about your writing history
●    We met on a Glee-related road trip while Racheline had the flu.
●    Our books have been written while in at least 9 different countries due to day job work travel.
●    Erin’s parents read all our books regardless of heat level. Racheline’s mother, meanwhile, won’t even touch the closed-door romances.

2) Describe your writing style in 3 words
●    Farcical
●    Plotty
●    Angsty

3) Name 3 of your literary influences
●    Jane Austen
●    John LeCarre
●    Georgette Heyer

4) Share your 3 favourite books
●    Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
●    Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John Le Carre
●    The Vintner’s Luck by Elizabeth Knox

5) What are your 3 essential writing tools?●    Google docs
●    Email (which is where we do all our planning)
●    Caffeine (Coffee for Erin; Red Bull for Racheline)

6) Where are your 3 favourite places to write?
●    Airports
●    The subway
●    Our couches

7) Name 3 items on your writing wish list
●    Finally having time to write our spy series
●    Writing more poly
●    Figuring out what genres and subgenres our stories belong in

8) What are your top 3 tips for aspiring writers?
●    Just get to the end -- all a first draft has to do is exist. You can fix anything in edits. And you can’t edit what’s not there.
●    “The story is the most important thing.” – This is our mantra that means we have to do what the story, not the market, needs; and that we owe it to the story to finish the story regardless of obstacles our lives may put in our way
●    Nobody has enough time to write. You have to make the time. And whether that’s holing yourself up at the library or a cafe on a Saturday, or taking fifteen minutes before you get out of bed or fall asleep, the time is there.

9) Tell us 3 of your writing plans for the year ahead
●    A Queen from the North, an MF royal romance with a genderqueer supporting character that will be getting their own book in the future, comes out in May. This is set in a contemporary, alternate universe not-so-united-kingdom that is still riven by the Wars of the Roses.
●    Our first F/F book is due into Riptide Publishing in June. It’s called Desperate Needs and is part of multi-author series.
●    We are finishing and hopefully releasing this year (as much as we make and execute on really intense schedules for ourselves, we have to leave wiggle room in the fall because Erin is having a baby), the first of two MF books set in the world of publishing and New York high society featuring a grey asexual, biromantic hero.

10) Tell us about your latest release

The Art of Three is possibly our favorite book we’ve ever written. All of our usual French farce, none of our usual angst. We’re still not quite sure how that happened, especially since writing it was such an emotional experience for both of us. But it is, at heart, a gentle book with multiple happily ever afters for everyone. The Art of Three is full of second chances, negotiation, family, children, a dog named Vegetables, and a whole lot of love in lots of different forms.

Jamie Conway has a charmed life. At 24, he's relocated from Dublin to London to star in his first feature film. Unfortunately, he also has one very big problem: He has a huge crush on his happily married costar.

British heartthrob to middle-aged women everywhere, Callum Griffith-Davies should have more sense than to flirt with his new-to-the-business colleague, but good judgement isn't one of the qualities for which he's known.

Nerea Espinosa de Los Monteros Nessim has better things to do than fret about her husband's newest conquest. She’s busy planning her daughter's wedding at the family's farmhouse in rural Spain. Besides, she and Callum have been married and polyamorous for almost 30 years; she's content to let him make his own bad choices.

But when Nerea flies to London after her artwork is selected for a high-profile museum show, she falls for Jamie too. Soon Callum, Jamie, and Nerea have bigger problems, and surprises, than international logistics. From ex-lovers and nosy neighbors to adult children with dramas of their own,
The Art of Three is a contemporary romance that celebrates families, and farce, in all shapes and sizes.

About the Authors
Racheline Maltese can fly a plane, sail a boat, and ride a horse, but has no idea how to drive a car; she’s based in Brooklyn. Erin McRae has a graduate degree in international affairs for which she focused on the role of social media in the Arab Spring; she’s based in Washington DC. Together, they write romance about fame and public life. Like everyone in the 21 st century, they met on the Internet.

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