Friday 18 August 2017

Weekend Blog Hops - 18 August 2017
When you enter an unfamiliar house or apartment for the first time, do you feel disappointed if you don't see any bookshelves, or books on the coffee table?
Absolutely. What's a home without books? Plus, I must confess to doing a certain amount of character assessment, particularly regarding new acquaintances, based on their bookshelves and/or reading habits. That's probably bad, but I can't help it. :)

Opening sentence:
It's agony and relief to watch my life end.

From page 56:
I lose my sense of direction as we turn corners and cross through checkpoints where all our monikers are scanned and we're questioned.

My Current Read 
Amy A Bartol

Firstborns rule society. Secondborns are the property of the government. Thirdborns are not tolerated. Long live the Fates Republic.

On Transition Day, the second child in every family is taken by the government and forced into servitude. Roselle St. Sismode’s eighteenth birthday arrives with harsh realizations: she’s to become a soldier for the Fate of Swords military arm of the Republic during the bloodiest rebellion in history, and her elite firstborn mother is happy to see her go.

Televised since her early childhood, Roselle’s privileged upbringing has earned her the resentment of her secondborn peers. Now her decision to spare an enemy on the battlefield marks her as a traitor to the state.

But Roselle finds an ally—and more—in fellow secondborn conscript Hawthorne Trugrave. As the consequences of her actions ripple throughout the Fates Republic, can Roselle create a destiny of her own? Or will her Fate override everything she fights for—even love?


  1. Wow, this one sounds good! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    I, too, take note of homes I enter...searching for the books and other evidence that the people are readers.

  2. That beginning was enough to draw me in!
    I added you to the Linky. Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks for adding me to the linky, and for stopping by this week.

  3. Oh-oh. I'm secondborn.

    And btw- I always look around for books and bookshelves when I enter a new house. Ever notice how many people have book shelves with no books on it, just decorative items. Ha!

    My Friday Quotes

  4. I haven't heard much about this one, but the synopsis sounds interesting. Enjoy your current read!

  5. I am definitely interested in reading this one! It sounds intriguing.

    For me, initial visits to unfamiliar homes won't bother me if there aren't any books about. I am usually focused on other things--like why I'm there. I will notice them if they are there though. Now, a second or third visit, I will probably be more alert to the lack of presence of books.

    I hope you have a great weekend, Nicki!

  6. Sounds like an intriguing concept. I like the Beginning. I'm reading White Hot by Ilona Andrews this week. Happy reading!

    1. I'm now 80 pages in and enjoying it so far. Happy Hopping!

  7. I do enjoy a good scan of people's bookcases! It can definitely be interesting! The premise of this one sounds really interesting and I like the teasers.

    1. Definitely. A bookshelf can tell you a lot about a person IMO.

  8. I don't feel disappointed about it, however I do get excited when I notice books in someone's home! Secondborn sounds interesting, the beginning definitely catches my attention - I hope you enjoy reading it!

  9. Nice BBH answer, Nicki! Yeah, this is something I notice right away, because books are ALWAYS on my mind. Lol. Not that I JUDGE or criticize the person in any way when I don't see books in their living room. It's just that I feel disappointed. I can't help it! Lol.

    The book you're reading, "Secondborn", sounds FASCINATING! The concept is a very original one. I'm adding it to my GR shelves! :)

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my BBH post!! <3 <3 :) :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, as always, Maria. See you again next week.

  10. I have enough trouble keeping up with one meme lol! Great Book Blogging Hop answer :)

    1. There are so many. I wish I could do more--on Twitter too--but there are only so many hours in the day, so I stick to these three weekend ones. :)

  11. I love to see books and hope the person has the same interests as I do, but I don't assess a person on their book choices.

    Nice answer.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Blogger Hop

    1. Thanks for stopping by, as always, Elizabeth. See you again next time.

  12. I totally always look for books whenever I visit someone's home... if I don't see any I feel sad.

    My post + my current giveaway

  13. lol great blog hop answer Nicki I absolutely love it! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop.
