Tuesday 19 September 2017

Book Review: Cousin Kate by Georgette Heyer

Title: Cousin Kate
Author: Georgette Heyer
Publisher: The Bodley Head
Publication Date: 1968
Pages: 346
Format: Hardback
Genre: Historical Fiction
Source: Bought Copy (Secondhand)

Kate Malvern, rescued from penury by her aunt Minerva, finds the grand household at Staplewood very unhomelike — even family dinners are formal. When she begins to suspect the shocking reason for Minerva’s generosity, there is no one to confide in. (Goodreads Synopsis)

Cousin Kate was a delightful read from start to finish. Heyer's characters are so well rounded and relatable that you feel connected to them right from the start. They are none of them perfect, but that makes them all the more believable. I loved the plot of Cousin Kate, which had an almost Gothic twist, with an ancestral home and a terrible family secret, and overall it was a real page turner. 4.5-5 stars.

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