Sunday 29 April 2018

Film Review: Avengers- Infinity War (no spoilers)

Avengers: Infinity War
28 April 2018
149 mins
Anthony & Joe Russo (Director)
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth

The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. (IMDB Synopsis)

I cannot begin to say how much I was looking forward to this movie, and it didn't disappoint. The action never let up from start to finish. Indeed, I think I will need to go for a second viewing to appreciate it all. I am trying to avoid spoilers in this review; however, I can say that it was both beautiful and brutal. Of course, we all expected some character deaths, but I wasn't prepared for what actually happened. It's a gutsy move from Marvel, but I think it's also a wise one. Fans will doubtless be divided; nevertheless, I think the MCU will benefit from a partial tabula rasa as the studio moves forward into the next phase. Unlike some MCU films which can standalone, this one will really only make true sense if you have seen all those that came before it. It draws from mythology set right back in the earliest films, and you'll get more from the movie if you recognize everything that led to this. Once you are there, though, it is an awesome fantasy adventure that will keep you glued to your seat, alternating between cheers and sobs. Bravo, Marvel! Here's to another ten years of amazing filmmaking and wonderful characters brought to life on screen.

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