Title: The Edge of Hope (Bad Blood #1)
Author: Alina Popescu
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: 2014
Pages: 209
Format: eBook - EPUB
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Source: Free on Kobo
When tall, dark, and gorgeous shows up on your self-prescribed emotional recovery vacation, some would call it fate smiling down on you. If he also happens to be interested in your work and ready to make all the room you need in his life, it starts to sound too good to be true. Alexa skips the doubts and jumps right in, only to be thrown into the mysterious world of vampires.
The secrets of their origin and their very existence are far more important than her life to some of her new acquaintances. They are ancient, they are powerful, they have unlimited resources, and they are keen on controlling what the world knows of their kind. As Alexa discovers their complicated, blood feud bound world, she tries to better understand herself, heal old wounds and give love chance after chance. Will she survive the journey?
There were many things I liked about The Edge of Hope. The set-up and origin story for the vampires offered something different from the usual fare, which was a refreshing change, and I liked Alexa's journey as she tries to come to grips with the vampire world. I really enjoyed the development of the main romantic relationship, which had a slow build, and by the cliff-hanger ending, I found myself wondering what would happen next. On the down slow, I think the pacing suffered at times. Alexa ends up telling her backstory to three different people during the course of the book, but that meant we, the readers, got it three times too, which felt a little repetitive. However, as I said, that didn't stop me wanting more when I reached the end. As such, this was a 3.5 star read for me. I liked it, but it had a few minor issues.
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