There’s a lot to love about the method. It has allowed me to eliminate all the lists on scraps of paper I used to have lying around. It also offers a combined diary and planner that helps me organise not only on a day to day basis but also year by year as I plan blog content etc. Not to mention tracking things like cleaning, gift buying, and bills.
Another plus is its flexibility. You can set out your bujo in whatever way best suits your needs and preferences, whether you wish to create detailed, colourfully illustrated pages or go with something more minimalistic. I tend to adopt a middle ground between the two, keeping it mostly plain and functional, but with a little ‘bling’ here and there.
Although my mindset dictates a Jan–Dec approach, there is also the option of starting a bujo whenever you want, so if you discover it in June, you don’t have to wait until the next January to make a start.
Sounds perfect. Right? Well, yes, but there are a few drawbacks, at least in my experience. I now suffer from what I have decided to term BDS: Bujo Dependency Syndrome.
I am quite religious with my bullet journaling, referring to the to-do lists and spreads multiple times per day, desperate to find things to mark off or fill in. It becomes a little obsessive at times. Most days, the book sits open beside me from dawn till dusk.
Without my bujo, I would be lost now. How would I know what I’m supposed to be doing each day? How could I tell if I’ve completed all my daily social media tasks? How would I keep track of my blogging commitments?
My bullet journal removes pressure from my life in some ways, but it adds it in others. However, it’s mostly good fun, and my BDS is a minor complaint, really, when set against all the positive aspects of bullet journaling. Truth is, I simply have an addictive personality, and better I apply that to my bujo than to something harmful!
Do you use a bullet journal? If so, what do you consider to be the highs and lows? Are there things you’ve started with the best of intentions only to become addicted to them?
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