Author: Sui Ishida
Publisher: Viz Media
Publication Date: 2018 (2015)
Pages: 228
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fantasy/Manga
Source: Borrowed from the Library

The Qs Squad once again proves its worth by going undercover to collect vital Ghoul information, allowing the CCG finally move forward with a massive eradication campaign. But this strike pushes the Qs to their limits, bringing all their weaknesses to the forefront. And Haise is the hardest hit when his hidden past rushes forth to impact his future!
Title: Tokyo Ghoul: Re Vol. 6
Author: Sui Ishida
Publisher: Viz Media
Publication Date: 2018 (2016)
Pages: 224
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fantasy/Manga
Source: Borrowed from the Library

The CCG never thought that taking down the Rosewald family would be easy and, as expected, the casualties are piling up. Numbered among the wounded is Haise Sasaki, whose critical injuries leave him vulnerable when the past threatens to overwhelm him!
Title: Tokyo Ghoul: Re Vol. 7
Author: Sui Ishida
Publisher: Viz Media
Publication Date: 2018 (2016)
Pages: 250
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fantasy/Manga
Source: Borrowed from the Library

Sen Takatsuki’s newest novel has hit the stands and a video of her admitting to being a Ghoul has gone viral! And if that news hasn’t done enough to shake things up, the contents of her book are sowing civilian distrust of the CCG. How can investigators effectively take on the Ghoul threat if the public has lost faith in them? And what if Sen Takatsuki’s veiled accusations about the CCG brass are true…?
Title: Tokyo Ghoul: Re Vol. 8
Author: Sui Ishida
Publisher: Viz Media
Publication Date: 2018 (2016)
Pages: 232
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fantasy/Manga
Source: Borrowed from the Library

While Haise is determined to help his old friends escape from Cochlea prison, he doesn’t want to hurt any of his CCG colleagues. But his mentor Kisho Arima takes the decision out of Haise’s hands. In the midst of their heated battle, Arima makes an unbelievable move and confirms some of Haise’s greatest fears about the organization that has become his whole life. He lost everything once before. How will he handle it happening again?!
I'm intrigued with where this story is going, and the events of volume eight took me by surprise. I have volume nine to read over the weekend, but then there may be a wait to get volumes 10-12 from the library, as they seem to be popular and are all on loan at present. Then I will need to wait for 13-16 to come out and for the library to get them in before I can complete the series.
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