Wednesday 11 March 2020

Book Review: Let's Talk in Traveling Japanese by Nihongo Inc & Iroriko (Languages/Non-Fiction)

Title: Let's Talk in Traveling Japanese
Author: Nihongo Inc & Iroriko
Bingo LLC

Publication Date: 22 February 2020
eBook - PDF
ARC via NetGalley

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Let's go to real Japan without a passport!

"I understand a little Japanese"

"I studied a little but it was difficult so I stopped it."

We provide Japanese learning materials for those who are!

"Learning with cute characters while traveling in Japan"

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If you study in this curriculum

Three months later, I can understand Japanese culture in Japanese!

"People who want to enjoy Japan more"

"People who want to learn more Japanese" 

Before launching into this review, I should note a few things, namely that I have been learning Japanese for seven months. This is entirely self-taught study, and therefore I am always on the lookout for new ways to practice and improve, hence my decision to request this title from NetGalley. From the blurb, I got the impression this book was aimed at beginner to immediate level Japanese speakers. However, when I opened the book I soon realised the entire text was in Japanese, with no accompanying English explanations. I could read bits of it, but not all, as I am still in the early stages of learning kanji. From what I could make out, the book opened with talk of kana, kanji and some grammar elements, before going on to travel-based scenarios. Again, from what I could understand, these little sequences contained plenty of good info and useful vocabulary. Nonetheless, I find myself unable to work out who this book is aimed at. With the text fully in Japanese, it's a little too advanced for a beginner like me, as I can't understand enough to get much use out of it. On the other hand, if your Japanese is good enough to read this book then I doubt you are in need of tips on travel vocabulary. In the end I am giving this three stars. The layout was good and I thought the mix of text and manga scenarios worked well, but I cannot see who would benefit from the text.

I received this book as a free eBook ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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