Saturday 19 September 2020

Book Review: The Princess Bride by William Goldman (Fantasy)

Title: The Princess Bride
Author: William Goldman
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication Date: 1999 (1973)
Pages: 399
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fantasy
Source: Bought Copy

Beautiful, flaxen-haired Buttercup has fallen for Westley, the farm boy, and when he departs to make his fortune, she vows never to love another. When she hears that his ship has been captured by the Dread Pirate Roberts - who never leaves survivors - her heart is broken. But her charms draw the attention of the relentless Prince Humberdinck who wants a wife and will go to any lengths to have Buttercup. So starts a fairy tale like no other, of fencing, fighting, torture, poison, true love, hate, revenge, giants, hunters, bad men, good men, beautifulest ladies, snakes, spiders, beasts, chases, escapes, lies, truths, passions and miracles.


Although I've long been familiar with the film, I had never read the original book of The Princess Bride, so when I saw a copy for sale in my local bargain bookstore a short time ago, I thought I should rectify that. Overall, I found it an enjoyable read. Of course, the story was already known to me, so nothing came as a surprise; however, I enjoyed Goldman's dry sense of humour in the telling, including all his little asides to the reader. This is a fun tale and, as the story itself suggests, a perfect book to read aloud to older children. I'm glad I finally got around to picking it up and giving it a read. If you know the film, doubtless you will also enjoy the book, but if you are unfamiliar with either, I can recommend the novel to fans of quirky, humorous fantasy adventure stories.

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