Title: Blood Bound (Youkai Bloodlines #3)
Author: Courtney Maguire
Publisher: City Owl Press
Publication Date: 1 February 2022
Pages: 368
Format: eBook - EPUB
Genre: Paranormal LGBT
Source: ARC via NetGalley
Two hundred years can strain even the seemingly eternal love of the youkai.
When Hideyoshi’s coldness drives them apart, Hiro finds comfort in his friendship with Takanori, a vociferous human man he met at a ramen shop and can’t seem to keep away from.. Everything Hiro had to fight for from Hideyoshi, Takanori gives freely, making it all too easy to turn away from his responsibilities--and Hideyoshi--in favor of something sweeter.
But while Hiro is off playing human, danger is brewing among the Youkai. Hideyoshi, still reeling from his breakup with Hiro, struggles to uphold the promise they made to the Hunter leader, Kyo, but the Youkai’s loyalty has been challenged by Hiro’s abrupt disappearance. With Hunters literally banging at the door, Hide must find a way to bring Hiro home or risk igniting the war they’ve spent the last two hundred years trying to prevent.
I enjoyed this latest instalment in the Youkai Bloodlines series. Blood Bound returned our focus to Hideyoshi and Hiro as their relationship went through a difficult stage, which also caused problems for the local Youkai community. As well as being an entertaining story, this book dealt with themes such as terminal illness and then grief, and I felt it did so in a compassionate and thoughtful way. As with the other books in the series, this was a quick and easy read that I got through in two nights. Since the story often references past events and characters, this is a series best read in order. It gets 4.5 stars from me, which I will round up to a five.
I received this book as a free eBook ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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