Saturday 3 June 2023

TV Review: Summer Strike (2022) (Romance-Drama)

Summer Strike (아무것도 하고 싶지 않아)
12 episodes

Having had enough of her life in the big city, a young woman heads to a remote town where she meets a local librarian who's also seeking an escape. (Synopsis)

Summer Strike was a generally enjoyable romantic drama centered around a group of people all of whom are looking for (or in need of) change in their lives. The characters were memorable and well portrayed by the cast. The pacing slowed a little once or twice but was mostly well maintained through the twelve episodes. The main downside to this series for me was the annoyingly perfect female lead, who just seemed too altruistic to be true at times, making the plot feel, in certain moments, unbelievable. But that is a minor gripe, and the show was otherwise fun to watch. One major bonus for me as a Korean language leaner was that the dialogue was mostly easy to follow, everyday speech, so it was a great opportunity to practice my listening skills. Overall, I am giving this series 4 stars.

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