Wednesday 2 August 2023

Book Review: At Night He Lifts Weights by Kang Young-sook (Short Stories)

Title: At Night He Lifts Weights
Author: Kang Young-sook
Publisher: Transit Books
Publication Date: 14 November 2023
Pages: 225
Format: eBook - PDF
Genre: Short Stories
Source: ARC via Edelweiss

A disquieting vision of ecological dystopia in a collection by a major Korean writer.
An artist is plagued by desire for her mysterious double as disease spreads through an uncanny suburban landscape. An elderly woman suspects the old man who lifts weights in her neighborhood playground of being responsible for a spate of murders. While elsewhere, a woman who believes she’s been exposed to radioactive radiation inherits a warehouse where those fleeing the city can store their possessions.
Beneath the calm surface of the stories collected here, Kang Young-sook offers a disquieting vision of a society grappling with ecological catastrophe and unplaceable forms of loss. 


At Night He Lifts Weights by Kang Young-sook offered an eclectic collection of stories many of which centred around a dystopian future, but without belabouring the message. Some stories I enjoyed more than others, but all were interesting to read. A lot was packed into each short tale, giving the reader plenty to ruminate on post-reading. I would be happy to read more works by this author and I am giving this collection four stars.

I received this book as a free eBook ARC via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

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