Saturday 19 August 2023

My German Language Learning Resources

My Story Learning German

I started learning German in my first year at high school and continued it to GSCE level. I could have gone on to A-Level, but I dropped it solely because doing so afforded me the opportunity to do a one-year intensive course in Italian instead. It wasn't that I didn't like studying German; I simply didn't want to miss the opportunity to learn some Italian as well!

Since that time, I have done my best to maintain my German. My speaking is likely a tad rusty these days, through lack of use, but my listening and reading comprehension remains strong and my writing is good enough to pen letters to my pen pals at least. I've always been fond of German musicals, too, so I still do plenty of singing in German as well!

You can hear me talk more about my journey learning German in this video.



The following resources are ones I've found useful.

Please note that I am not receiving any incentive to recommend any of these resources. Nor can I say they will suit every learner, as everyone's learning style is different. I am sharing only my personal experiences with these assets and cannot guarantee they will benefit everyone.


Improve your German - A standard, decent textbook from the Teach Yourself series.

German Verb Tables - My quick go-to book when I want to double-check a conjugation.

Modern German Grammar - A comprehensive and well presented overview of all key German grammar.



Lingoni German - Videos on grammar and vocabulary aimed at levels A1 - B2, but might also be useful revision for more advanced learners, especially in relation to phrases and usage.

Lingster Academy - Julia is an energetic and fun presenter/teacher and produces videos that cover grammar, vocabulary and usage. Best for pre-intermediate and above.


Deutsch im Alltag - Reporting on current, everyday topics in German aimed at learners C1 and above.

SBS German - News and topics for more advanced learners.

Sprachbar -  Explanation of current news headlines, useful expressions etc. for more advanced learners.



SBS German - News and media for more advanced learners.

Deutsche Welle - News and media for more advanced learners.

Jetzt - Articles on topics suitable for young adults and older.

Goethe Institute - Online courses, exercises, media etc.

Deutschland Radio - Radio for more advanced learners.

ZDF Mediathek - Media for advanced learners.

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