Thursday 12 October 2023

TV Review: Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (2020) (Rom-Com)

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (도도솔솔라라솔)
16 episodes

A riches-to-rags pianist who loses everything but her smile is guided by twinkling little stars to a small town where she finds hope, home and love. (Synopsis)

I had such fun watching Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol. The characters were all fun and memorable and well presented by the cast. I enjoyed the romance aspects and I liked how the show blended a few genres at different moments, always keeping the plot interesting throughout the 16 episodes with some twists and turns along the way. If you like rom-com with a plot that ticks all the trope boxes but still feels quirky and fresh, this one is worth checking it. I am giving it 4.5 stars.

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