Saturday 3 February 2024

Book Review: Bloodlust Blues by Luanne Bennett (Urban Fantasy)

Title: Bloodlust Blues (Charley Underwood #1)
Author: Luanne Bennett
Publisher: Second Sky
Publication Date: 22 March 2024
Pages: 313
Format: eBook - EPUB
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Source: ARC via NetGalley

Welcome to Crimson, Georgia. I’m Charley—reluctant witch, and owner of the best bar in town.

Everyone’s welcome at the Stag—vampire, wolf or human. As long as they don’t make trouble. Or ask too many questions about what we’re selling out of the back room.

I keep the beers coming, and in return the town keeps my secret. But when a gang of deadly vampires shows up at the bar, it’s clear they’re not looking for a drink. They want to take my business. Or my blood.

But this is more than just a shake down. All over town, people are dropping like flies. Disappearing or attacking their neighbors. It’s like they’re possessed. And someone—or something—is pulling the strings.

As if I didn’t have enough trouble, a fancy new restaurant just opened right across the street. And a sexy vampire from out of town seems to think I need protection. I have plenty of dangerous friends already… so why can’t I stop thinking about him?

The whole town is going to hell. Perhaps literally. And it looks like it’s up to me to stop it.


It's been a while since I last read an urban fantasy work, so I enjoyed getting back into the vibe of those tales with Bloodlust Blues. Charley was a compelling heroine and I liked the story premise. The action kept me entertained throughout and we got a good sense of the world of Crimson. However, I was sad there wasn't a little bit more of a romance element. It did appear nearer the end, though, so might be further developed in future installments in the series. I also found the ending a little rushed after all the build up. The only other 'negative' was that I struggled to take seriously a bad-guy vampire with the name of Ian, but this may simply be because it's my father's name, so it felt weird. Overall, though, it was enjoyable and I wouldn't mind reading future volumes in the series to find out what will happen to Charley next. I am giving this one four stars.

I received this book as a free eBook ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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