Thursday 24 March 2011

The Vampire Narcise by Colleen Gleason - Book Review

Title:The Vampire Narcise (Regency Draculia #3)
Author: Colleen Gleason
Publisher: Mira
Publication Date: 1st June 2011
Format: Ebook -PDF
Pages: 380
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Source: ARC from NetGalley

Regency England stands defiant against Napoleon.

But battles among men mean little to those who live forever – especially when the Dracule are waging their own war.

Skilled in the seduction of men, both mortal and immortal, Narcise Moldavi is the greatest weapon in her twisted brother's war among the Dracule. Until she falls for Giordan Cale.

Her first searing encounter with Giordan brands them with a passionate love. But Giordan's vow to help Narcise escape her brother's rule is followed by a betrayal more agonizing than sunlight.

Wounded but determined, Narcise ensnares vampire hunter Chas Woodmore in her quest for revenge and to reclaim her life. He wants her, worships her, will kill for her. And the Dracule never forget a wrong – nor do they forgive.
(Goodreads Synopsis)

Another wonderful book in the Regency Draculia series. I enjoyed this book much as I did the others (though The Vampire Dimitri was my favourite of them all!), not least because the reader at last got a proper look at Narcise's background and found out exactly what had happened between her and Cale.

The story started strongly and I was really hooked - happy to be back with characters I have come to know so well over the last few weeks. There was plenty of action and I was on the edge of my seat right up until the end.

Colleen Gleason has created some wonderful characters and amazing tales for them that she has maintained beautifully during the three books.

If I have one negative point to make about this third installment, it would be that the ending, for me, was not quite a fulfilling as with the other two books. I can see why Gleason chose to go this way with it, but it didn't have quite the same impact for me as the endings she gave to Voss and Dimitri.

That said, this is still a hugely worthwhile read and a must for anyone who has enjoyed the first two books in the series. 

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