Tuesday 5 April 2011

Six Months as a Writer and the Race for 200 Giveaway

Well, it has now been close to six months since I launched my writing career. Things got off to a flying start with my first book - Awaken to the Night- becoming an instant bestseller at OmniLit.

I've had two more releases from Wicked Nights Publishing since then with two more still to come and I am thrilled to have recently also signed a contract with Silver Publishing for my vampire paranormal romance, Day-Walker.

Later this month, I should get my first sales figures and royalties and I can't wait to see how things are going in that respect.

Starting back at full time work this month has been tough. I have found myself struggling to keep up with writing stuff. I am so busy with interviews, guest posts and promotion for my writing at present that I am not getting much new writing done. But the Easter holidays are approaching and I hope to get the first draft of my current WIP (a thrilled) finished then.

I wanted to thank everyone for the support they've offered so far by buying my work and following my Facebook page and blog. I am excited to have reached over 100 followers now and it made me decide to offer a little giveaway.


Parts 1 and 2 of my Time Keepers series are currently out and parts 3 and 4 will be released early May and early June respectively. I am therefore announcing the following giveaway:

If I reach 200 followers before the 3rd June 2011 when the final part of Time Keepers is released then I will offer one lucky winner a copy of the full series in PDF. To find out more about the series, check out the "My Books" page above.


  • Contest open until 3rd June 2011
  • Open Internationally
  • Follow my blog. All followers automatically receive one entry
  • If you would like an additional entry, please grab the giveaway image/link and post on your blog, Facebook or Twitter then leave a comment below with the link to where you mentioned it.


  1. Awesome giveaway!(: Ill post the link right now, and goodluck with getting 200 followers:D

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed for you to reach 200 followers soon :-) !
    danaan at gmx dot at

  3. Hope you get 200 very soon!!!!!


  4. Am following your blog Nicki, great giveaway, hope you reach your goal!!

  5. I'm now a follower of your blog! I also have your button on my sidebar.

    Please hop over to my blog to enter my 300 Followers Giveaway! :)

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  6. Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway and making it internationaly! :)



  7. Finger crossed !!!

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  8. Thanks so much for the chance to read your books! I hope you get 200 followers soon!

    hense1kk AT cmich DOT edu

  9. Now a follower,

  10. I hope you get 200 followers soon! Thanks for the giveaway.
    GFC follower as Diana

    artgiote at gmail dot com
