Friday 3 June 2011

Follow Friday #12 / Book Blogger Hop #15

Q. What are you doing to prepare for an upcoming zombie apocalypse and/or the return of Mel Gibson to the silver screen? (Both of which could be terrifying.)

Hmm, I must have been too zoned out with all the stuff I am trying to fit in at present as I was completely unaware of a zombie apocalypse. I can say that I am now freaked out as I HATE zombies. They scare me. So, I will be expecting my fiance to protect me while I cower behind the sofa.

As for the return of Mel - ditto!

Book Blogger Hop

“Share your favorite post from the last month and tell us why it’s close to your heart!”

 I think the visit and guest blog from my friend, Julie Lynn Hayes - always nice to have her over. Also the Letters to the Future blogfest that I took part in.


  1. I hate zombies too! Since I am only 17, if a zombie apocalypse ever does happen, I hope it will be after I am married so I will have a hubby to hide behind like you! ;)

    New follower. =) I am really liking your blog!

  2. How gallant of you. :)

  3. Hopping through. I find zombies disturbing too. Not cool like vampires.
    My Anniversary Hop

  4. I'm hopping by and am a new follower =)

    I don't think ANYONE is prepared for Mel. No amount of therapy or training can do it.

    -Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte: YA Reads, Reviews & More!.

  5. Hi & Happy Friday!

    You have the right idea :) my FF is here,

    Have a nice weekend.

  6. No one can prepare for Mel's return. As for the Zombie Apocalypse, I'd rather be a zombie! :) Stopping by from FF and I'm a new follower! Have a great weekend. :D

    Teen Readers' Diary

  7. Hoppin' through! :)
    Lucky. I don't have a guy to hide behind. Besides, who can prepare for zombies or Mel Gibson's return?

    Hopping by again soon!

  8. I'm off to have a read of your favourite posts!

    I am a new follower :D

  9. Dropping by to say Hi *waves*
    Following you :D

    Here's our Zombie/Mel Gibson Answer
    We Fancy Books

  10. Popping over from Parajunkee. I really am not keen on zombies either.

    Happy Friday! I'm following you now.

    (my follow-friday post)

  11. Just doing a drive by from the blog hop.

    I hope your Friday is an excellent one and one filled with everything you need to fight off zombies!

    Kelly (and Donna too!) from Book Lover's Hideaway
