Thursday 14 July 2011

Reading Away....

Well, it's been a quiet few days for me. The reason? I have somehow managed to end up reading three books at once, so I have yet to finish any of them!

I was starting The Mephisto Covenant, but the format of the PDF proved to be impossible for my Kobo, so I have been forced to read it on the computer instead. I'm about halfway through now, but I can only read a bit at a time on days I have time to sit there.

In the meantime, I opened The Fury on my Kobo and began to read. I got about a third through but then the battery died. I don't like the fact that you can only charge the Kobo via USB as it means I can't just plug it in somewhere; I have to have the computer on etc.

Tuesday night I was busy and didn't go online, so it wasn't charged when I wanted to read later in evening. I therefore grabbed my print copy of Darkness Dawns and started that.

So I am now halfway through one book, a third through another and two thirds through Darkness Dawns. That means I've had no reviews to share this week, but stay tuned and soon you'll get three in quick succession! ;)

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