Wednesday 28 March 2012

Photography and Affiliates: Blog Updates

If any of you have visited my 'about me' page, you'll know that, as well as writing and reading, I am also keen on photography and have some of my photos and sketches uploaded on DeviantArt. This week, I made the decision to set up about 40 of my photos on there for print sales. So now you can buy your own prints and canvasses of my work. I'm not expecting big bucks to come from this, but if I sell the odd few, that will be good. Click on the link or the photo to check out my DA page.

On another note, I have also just set up as an affiliate with Amazon and Book Depository, so you will now see a couple of widgets/banners on my sidebar and I will include buy links in my reviews when appropriate. So, if you're thinking of buying from either store, please go there via my links. It won't cost you anything, but it will give me a little monetary boost. Again, I am not expecting huge returns from these affiliations, but any money I do make will go towards the blog (i.e. giveaways etc) and promotional materials for my books.

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