Sunday 28 April 2013

Dark Moonlighting by Scott Haworth - Book Review

Title: Dark Moonlighting
Author: Scott Haworth
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: 2013
Pages: 200
Format: E-Book - EPUB
Genre: Humour / Paranormal
Source: Review Copy from Author

Nick Whittier, having been alive for six centuries, has had plenty of time to master three professions. In a typical week he works as a police officer, lawyer and doctor and still finds time to murder someone and drink their blood. He used to feel guilty about the killings, but now he restricts himself to only eating the worst members of society. Few people in Starside, Illinois seem to care about the untimely deaths of spam e-mailers, pushy Jehovah Witnesses and politicians. However, the barriers between Nick’s three secret lives start to crumble when a mysterious man from his past arrives in town seeking revenge. Nick must move quickly to prevent the three women in his life, and the authorities who are hunting him, from discovering his terrible secret.Dark Moonlighting is humorous and aimed at the adult market. It pokes fun at a number of popular television shows including Law & Order, Bones and House. It also takes a more realistic and amusing approach to the vampire cliché. For example, the average human has the equivalent of five Big Gulps worth of blood in their body. Nick takes twenty minutes to kill someone and, like the vampire bat, must immediately urinate afterwards. (Goodreads Synopsis)

Dark Moonlighting is a fun and entertaining read that kept a smile on my face from start to finish. I even had to share the aardvark joke with my husband and in-laws over dinner when the recent bird flu in China came into the conversation.

I love the wry humour Haworth injects into the piece, offering a different take on vampires from the usual fare and I would certainly enjoy reading further books in this series. For vampire fans looking for a lighter take on things, I can recommend this as an enjoyable, swift read to while away a couple of hours and put you in a good mood.

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