Thursday 5 January 2017

How I Write: The Organised Writer

I have always been somewhat OCD when it comes to organisation, and my writing is no exception. When you have multiple works out there, how can you keep track of them all?

Well, I have created several spreadsheets and checklists for this purpose, and I thought I would combine them into a master template to share with other writers, to help them in their writing journey.

View and download the templates from the link below. You can, of course, adapt them to suit your own needs, but I trust they will offer a good starting point, to allow you to keep on top of everything as another year begins.

Works in Progress—monitor the status of stories on which you’re still working
Publications—keep track of all the essential details for each work in one place
Finances—record all your income and expenses for a quick overview of your finances
Social Media—log your social media posts to ensure even promotion across all titles
Book Release Checklist—plan each release in advance to make sure you are ready in time

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