Saturday 4 February 2017

Feature and Follow Friday & Book Blogger Hop
Time for Feature and Follow Friday.
Click on the banner link to head to Alison's blog and view all the other participants.

What book could you live in and have on repeat?
Gosh, how to choose? I think I'd be Adele in The Greyfriar. I could live with Gareth forever.

And here's this week's Book Blogger Hop.
Click on the image to see the original post and all the links. 

Read or Clean? Read or Bake? Read or Make Dinner? What would be your choice?
Read, of course. Is there even a choice there? :)


  1. Oh, I LOVE the "Feature & Follow" question for this week! I know which book and scene I'd love to repeat endlessly; the meadow scene, from "Twilight", the first book in Stephenie Meyers's The Twilight Saga. That scene is SO sweet, SO romantic..... it's where Edward Cullen, vampire, tells Bella Swan, human, that he loves her. There's a famous quote, too: "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." Valentiine's Day is not too far off, so this scene is entirely appropriate. Sigh..... :)

    As for your answer to the BBH question, I fully agree with you. There IS no other choice! BOOKS RULE. And we bookworms will ALWAYS choose them over anything else! (Unless we're starving of course, lol.)

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! Have a great weekend!! <3 <3 :) :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by. Looks like we all prefer reading to chores. Not much of a surprise there! :)

  3. LOL on your answer...reading is my first choice, but life gets in the way. :)

    Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog, Nicki.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. Sometimes those other things just have to be done. :)
      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I really don't think any other answer but reading is the right one for us readers. LOL It will always be reading for us!

  5. Thank you so much for letting me know my formatting is screwed up. Ugh. I'm seeing if I can fix it without having to redo my entire blog template. And unfortunately the person who designed my blog years ago no longer exists online. Kicking myself right now.

  6. Ohh great answers. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog Nicki
