Author: David Haviland
Publisher: Thistle Publishing
Publication Date: 2017 (2012)
Pages: 208
Format: eBook - PDF
Genre: Non-Fiction
Source: Review Copy from Publisher

•How was history changed by a single Soho water pump?
•Which condition was treated by trapping a child inside a tree trunk?
•Where is the soul found?
•How long does it take to digest chewing gum?
•What are hiccups for?
•Did the Gauls brush their teeth with urine?
•Does organ theft actually happen?
•Is it safe to fly with breast implants?
•Did Christopher Columbus import syphilis to Europe?
•Was King George V killed by his doctor, in order to meet The Times’ deadline?
Taking in everything from the outrageous (yes, Hitler was addicted to crystal meth) to the eye-watering (such as the renowned surgeon who accidentally cut off his patient’s left testicle) to the downright disgusting (like the ‘cure’ for toothache used by the Egyptians involving dead mouse paste), this book proves that medical science is not for the faint-hearted, lily-livered or weak-stomached!
How to Remove a Brain and Other Bizarre Medical Practices was an entertaining read. About half the facts and stories I did already know. However, others were new to me, and I found them fascinating. This collection of mini tales is both informative and fun, and it will appeal to readers interested in medical history, and those who just enjoy learning fun facts and strange-but-true stories.
This sounds like such a fun read!!