Monday 7 August 2023

TV Review: Crash Course in Romance (2023) (Rom-Com)

Crash Course in Romance (일타 스캔들)
16 episodes

A woman with a heart of gold navigates the cutthroat world of private education when her daughter tries to join a celebrity math instructor's class. (Synopsis)

Crash Course in Romance was a high-class rom-com. It had an original, quirky plot that made it stand out from the crowd. The leads had excellent chemistry and were both intriguing characters, which made me want to get behind them right from the start. The pacing was great throughout, especially when a crime/killer subplot got thrown into the mix alongside the main romance storyline, as that added an extra level of interest. The show also highlighted the pressures in the education system in Korea, which is a major issue. This is a show I think I could watch again and still enjoy as much as the first time. Therefore, I am giving it five stars.


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