Tuesday 20 February 2024

Theatre Review: Yoah (2023) (Circus)

18 February 2024
Gluttony - Adelaide Fringe

It's been a few years since I last attended any shows at the Fringe, so this year my husband and I decided to go to a couple. The first we picked was Japanese circus troupe Cirqueworks presenting their new show YOAH. I've never gone to a circus before, but overall this was enjoyable. The show presented a mix of juggling, tumbling, trapeze and aerial silk, all set against a backdrop of electric music, drums and light projections. The performers were all talented, but by the end I was a little bored of the same kinds of acts, so an hour was definitely long enough. The use of the music and visuals helped to keep things fresh during that time. I am giving it 4 stars.

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