Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Book Review: Where the Silence Sings by Emery Blaine

Where the Silence Sings
Emery Blaine
Wild Door Publishing
18 June 2024
eBook - EPUB
ARC via NetGalley

Sometimes the truth is worse than the lie.

When a realms-wide broadcast interrupts Aeyun and his crew’s latest heist with news of the brutal toppling of Raenaru’s most powerful regents, he must make a choice: continue to forge a path towards his own truth, or – together with his misfit allies – discover what happened to Raeyu Thasian, beloved heir to a dynasty and childhood friend to whom his life is tethered.
Among the fallout, one thing is clear:

Aeyun’s choices will always come back to haunt him...

In self-imposed exile, Aeyun has taken up the life of an ore-smuggler. In exchange for his smithing talents, a small crew of principled thieves have welcomed him into the fold, assisting his search for elusive ore that only he seems able to touch.

The rebellious second sibling of the Thasian legate, Seraeyu Thasian, has wrangled power beyond his imagination. Power, however, is seldom given freely.

A mercenary’s life is never easy, especially when unwelcomed interlopers remain the only connection held with darling Raeyu Thasian. But Sakaeri would be damned if she didn’t help the only family she never needed.


I struggled somewhat with Where the Silence Sings by Emery Blaine. The book caught my attention on NetGalley due to its interesting sounding premise. However, once I got reading I found it all a little too confusing. We were launched straight into the story, which is fine, but for chapters I kept waiting for there to be more world building explaining the world, its peoples, and their powers, yet no such explanation was forthcoming. As such, rather then getting answers as I continued reading, I only ended up with additional questions. This made it hard for me to fully engage with the story. On the plus side, the characters seemed interesting, and I think there was a lot of potential that just wasn't quite realised. I believe this is the author's first book and I can see the ideas are good, so I hope the execution will improve as the author continues writing. I am giving this book three stars as I did like the premise even if the world building and prose needed some work.

I received this book as a free eBook ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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