Monday 27 May 2024

Book Review: Dancers of the Dawn by Zulekhá Afzal (Fantasy)

Dancers of the Dawn
Zulekhá Afzal
Rock the Boat
6 June 2024
eBook - PDF
ARC via NetGalley

Dancer. Warrior. Executioner.

Deep in the desert, under the blazing sun, an elite troupe of dancers are trained to harness their magic. They are the queen’s most formidable assassins. Aasira has one of the rarest talents – for she is a flame-wielder. Feared by all and envied by some, she uses her power to execute enemies of the crown.

Aasira’s greatest wish is to serve her queen. But on the eve of her graduation, with tensions rising among the dancers and secrets stirring in the shifting sand dunes, she begins to question whether she was truly born to kill. . .


Dancers of Dawn was a story with an interesting premise which caught my interest right from the start. It drew on many familiar themes and tropes but gave them a fresh twist. Meanwhile, Aasira was a character I could really get behind and whose story I was keen to follow throughout. This is the first book in a planned duology. There's not much on the romance side in this first book, but it looks like some more is meant to follow on that front in book two. I would certainly be happy to read on and to see how the story ends. I am giving this book four stars.

I received this book as a free eBook ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

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