Saturday 28 January 2017

#RainbowSnippets - 28 January 2017 - From 'Devouring Red'

Time for more Rainbow Snippets.

For today's snippet, I thought I'd share a few lines from my short story Devouring Red, which is a MM retelling of the classic fairytale.

I recently received back the rights to this story from the publisher, so I have now released it on Tablo as a free read. If you like the snippet below and wish to read the full story, you can find it HERE.

Redd crashed through the forest as fast at the trees would let him. The space between their trunks appeared to be shrinking. Were they closing in on him? He put on a burst of speed. Branches stretched toward him, grasping at his clothing with jagged wooden fingers. Twigs and dead leaves cracked and crunched beneath his feet, and his crimson cloak billowed out behind him, flapping in the breeze and brushing over the foliage.


  1. Ooo that's intriguing and a little scary!

  2. This is such powerful description!

  3. The description really drew me into the story.

  4. Great description, I felt like I was there seeing and feeling as if I was him.

  5. Thanks guys. Don't forget you can pop across to Tablo to read the full story for free!

  6. Liking this a lot. /*heads over to tablo*/
