Saturday 29 July 2023

Book Review: Court of Claws (Blood of a Fae #2) by Briar Boleyn (Fantasy)

Title: Court of Claws (Blood of a Fae #2)
Author: Briar Boleyn
Publisher: Starwater Press
Publication Date: 30 June 2023
Pages: 375
Format: eBook - EPUB
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Source: ARC via NetGalley

Bound to a man she hates more than she ever thought possible...

Everything Morgan Pendragon knows and loves is gone as she wakes in the dangerous court of the Siabra. The man she was falling in love with is dead, and in his place is a man she barely knows. Surrounded by liars and knives in the dark, all Morgan wants to do is run the other way but Kairos Draven is determined to keep her by his side.

As Morgan and Draven's lives become even more irrevocably entwined, little do they know the sins of the past are coming for them both…

Court of Claws was a pleasing continuation of the Blood of a Fae series. This second volume was a little more action-packed than the first; however, I found Morgan a bit too whiny compared to how she had been in book one. Still, the story ended on a gripping cliffhanger and I would be interested to read on to book three to see how things conclude. I would recommend the series if you like steamy fantasy romance tales and don't mind a bit of violence along the way. I am giving this book four stars.

I received this book as a free eBook ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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